Can a Tank be Installed at the Front of the House?

Posted by Callum Vallance-Poole, on July 10, 2024.

When it comes to tank positioning, it’s important to consider the guidelines in building regulations. Ideally, the tank should be installed seven meters away from the property. However, if that’s not possible, you can find the best alternative. Keep in mind the access for the de-sludging vehicle that will empty the tank. They typically use 30-meter-long suction lines. While it’s possible to install a tank at the front of your property, it’s important to be mindful of potential odours if the tank isn’t functioning properly. Placing it near windows or patios may result in noticeable smells. Consider the optimal position for your project, whether it’s at the front or elsewhere, and make sure it’s convenient for the de-sludging process.
