Posted by Luke Quentel, on July 10, 2024.
The main tests which need to be carried out are carried out tests up to CIRIA guidelines. CIRIA who writes the SuDS manual. It is a guidance for sustainable drainage systems. We test in accordance with CIRIA guidelines by independent test facilities. We test short-term compressive strengths, long-term peak. Long-term peak is the amount that these tanks are affected over their life, this is to make sure that we design all of our tanks with an excess of 50-year design life. Long-term peak tests are carried out over about 10,000 hours, to make sure that we are confident in the results that are done by independent test facilities. Compression and peak are two of the main tests which most customers would have heard of. We test up to CIRIA guidelines and also have full BBA approval on the majority of the EcoBloc range, we are also testing up to BBA standards as well, and that’s independently verified by the British Board of Agreement.